1. I am the most under traveled military brat you've ever met. Both my parents were in the Air Force growing up, yet I've only lived in four places my whole life, including Germany.
2. One of those four places was Baltimore, Maryland, where I was born and lived for a few years. I don't even think I really remember it. I only really remember visiting my grandmother for summers and watching Nick at Night. That's where I learned to appreciate I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched!
3. If I ever tell a story about when I was little, I guarantee it happened 'when I was six'. Apparently that was my most memorable year and very eventful.
4. My very first favorite color was "sea foam green". An odd choice for a little kid, but I had the mega pack of crayons, and that's the color I was drawn to. (pun intended) My dad made fun of me for it, if I recall.
5. My very favorite color now is teal-if you didn't know this one, I'm kind of shocked! Just about everything I own is in one shade of teal or another.
6. I am the oldest of four girls. If you ever see my dad, buy him a beer. Or ear plugs. The poor guy deserves it- even the dog is a girl.
7. *mush alert* Speaking of dad.... My dad is one of the coolest guys I know. We weren't always close, but I'm really not sure what I'd do without him! So in short, MY DAD IS COOLER THAN YOUR DAD. "Don't be hatin'..."
8. If you know me personally, you probably know that I'm not really one for
mush. I'm not a hugger/kisser/public hand-holder. It's not that I don't love you, I just don't want to touch you. Go take this
quiz to find out your "love language". When I took it, it confirmed that I am indeed NOT a physical type person. I get my affection from words, so the 'sticks and stones' rule does not apply. Words CAN hurt me.
9. I have an extreme[ly close to dangerous] love of John Mayer. And I've
tormented shared it with my family so much that one kid loves him, one kid hates him, and one kid plays "John Mayer" as a game.
10. I'm scared of the dark. Not that I think there are monsters or anything, I just get scared when I can't see. I feel like I'm blind. Therefore, I sleep with a light on in the hall. Ask Josh how much I freak out when he turns it off!
11. A few years ago (like 2006ish), I got Shingles. As in the elderly people's chicken pox type thing. It was hideous. But now that I've learned of other non-elderly people who've had it, I don't feel as bad.
12. A few years after that, I also had
Bell's Palsy. The symptoms were all explainable at the time, so I had no clue when I went to work and kept getting strange looks. I thought I had severely pulled a muscle in my face. {{Can we all just take a moment to think about how dumb that sounds right now?}} I worked an entire day with one half of my face drooping down, looking like I'd had a stroke. It wasn't until I went to the restroom and saw in a mirror that I saw there was a problem. Also, since my boss waited until the
END of my day to tell me she thought I'd
had a stroke, I was blissfully unaware for hours. Please people, speak up if you see something wrong.
13. Because of #12, I sometimes cannot close one eye all the way. I've only noticed in the shower when I get soap in it, but I've had multiple people confirm that I sometimes sleep with one eye open. No sneaking up on me!
14. On my second attempt at college, I received my certification in Legal Assisting. Number of times I've actually used that? 0.
15. I'm a work in progress. I haven't quite decided what I want to be when I grow up. Any ideas would be appreciated. Here's what I know: it can't be anything sales based. I'm horrible at trying to sell things to people who don't want it. Also, I look like a kid. That doesn't help my credibility.
16. I read a lot, but the books I read are generally works of fiction. Distopia, Shopaholics, and teenage vampires. Yup, that about sums it up. I know I'm well into my 30's, but I swear I have Peter Pan Syndrome!
17. When I get into something, I get all the way into it. I learn as much about it as I can. I pretty much obsess over it. Especially if it's something I've tried and wasn't that good at. It's like I compete with myself. I hate to fail at something, and I will try, try, try until I can at least say it didn't beat me.
18. I am a super procrastinator. I know this and I cannot stop even when I try really,
really hard. I personally work a little better when I have that extra pressure on me. I need to stop, though, because it's a trait I don't want to pass on to my kids. If they leave it to me, I wait until the night before to help with projects, which really isn't a good idea.
19. I have a horrible diet that consists of mostly sugar, fat, and any other super unhealthy food you can think of. I'm working on it.
20. I am neither a morning person nor night owl. Catch me midday, when I'm at my best!