Happy Wednesday! Since one of the very last posts I posted before my longer-than-intended hiatus was our Appel Happel outing, I thought it'd be fun to show this year's trip. Also, I cannot stand pumpkin spice and feel a little defensive when everyone is raving about pumpkin and forgetting about apple!
As I mentioned in last year's post, Appel Happel is an apple farm just about 20 minutes from our house. Last year, we attended the big apple picking festival they hold annually. This year, we didn't want to wait and wanted to spend our Labor Day Monday doing something fun with the kids. They truly enjoy picking their own food-it makes me think they'll be fantastic little farmers when I get back to the states and get some more room to plant! Even though the weather wasn't great (last year I remember sweating), we grabbed our jackets and headed out! We came home with a bag full of apples, THE BEST apple juice in the world (yeah, I said it, Motts) and some fresh, ripe tomatoes.
It was such a good time and we all love apples, so we may just end up back at the festival in a few weeks! Plus, they have all sorts of apple flavored goodies-it's basically heaven for me. And we can't forget the kids' favorite: chocolate covered apples!
Are you pro-pumpkin, apple all-the-way, or do you fall somewhere in the middle? I'd love to know!