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Friday, May 23, 2014

Five For Friday: May 23

It's a wonderfully rainy day here in Germany. The kind that makes you want to curl up under a blanket on the couch with your baby boy and watch a Thomas the Train marathon, while you listen to the patter of rain on the roof. I did have a downtown doughnut date planned for this morning, but alas, the rain has cancelled those plans. The downtown walking area is beautiful and I love it, but it's hard to get motivated to head that way when it's poor weather. Something about lugging myself and the stroller through the rain is very unappealing. I am getting adjusted to traveling in the rain (because it seems to rain EVERY trip we take), but I don't really want to spend the everyday moments covered in rain. So instead of downing some doughnuts, I'll be catching you up on my week.

This week has flown by it seems. Really, it feels like this whole year has flown by. At one point during the fall I remember thinking, "Wow-it's only been 6 months since we moved here." Now I feel like I'm quickly losing my time in Europe. Only two years left. I know it probably sounds silly, but once you have a definite expiration date, it makes every day feel like a countdown. We have a lot we want to see before we leave, and the to-do list is longer than the available time!

So, as I was saying, the week flew by quickly. Josh had been out of town for work since Mother's Day, so it was only the kids and I. It really amazes me how the mommy brain works. I swear when Josh is here, I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to get done. And Josh is not one of those husbands who doesn't help--he's incredibly hands on. I even get upset sometimes because I feel like he's helping too much! He'll walk in from work and start picking up or he'll start dinner, and it makes me feel bad. Well, with him gone I think my brain enters some sort of mom-matrix. Time slows down and all of a sudden it feels like there are 16 hours of daylight, and all my tasks get done. Of course that might have to do with the fact there actually is 16 hours of daylight--the sun has been coming up around 5:30am and setting well after 9pm! Usually when we have to leave for practice at 5, dinner hasn't been made and we end up cooking and eating after practice around 7-7:30. Last week we had eaten, cleaned up, and still made it to practice early. I'm telling you, my brain just clicked. I subconsciously knew that there wasn't anyone to help me out, so it just got done. I really wish it was like that all the time...minus the fact of Josh being gone. If that could go ahead and happen, it'd be great! We had a good week though, and it was made that much better when Josh said he'd be coming home two days early from his trip. I know it's hard for him to be away, and I might be a little bias, but I think it's harder to be the one to stay home. Especially seeing all the gorgeous photos he was sending me from Italy! I hope he won't mind a return trip, because Venice looked amazing!

This week I thought I'd focus on two people whom I don't think I give enough credit to. My daughters! They are really growing into awesome little people. They are smart, funny, caring and (for the most part) respectful. Everything a parent could hope for in their kids. This week was an especially proud moment when I learned that Little J-who struggles with school work, reading in particular-has raised her overall reading score from far below grade level into solid 'on grade' territory. Reading is probably her least favorite thing to do, I think because it's harder for her, but she really worked to get that score raised. Now if I could get her to apply herself just a smidge more overall, I'd be satisfied for a while! She's getting there, though. Still-any tips are welcomed! Her teacher suggested keeping her on a school schedule over the summer, but since I'm not a teacher, that sounds pretty tedious to me. I'm sure I could find her some handouts to work on, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to keep a 10 year doing two hours of math while her siblings play. Again...suggestions more than welcomed!

K had an appointment this week for her 11 year old shots. You know, because she's going into middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL. That would mean I'm actually old enough to have a middle schooler. I feel like I've just recently left middle school myself. But yes, she got her shots so I guess she can go now. While we were at the doctor, I mentioned how K was having knee pain during softball and gym class. The doctor took one look at her from across the room and said "Oh yes! She has seriously flat feet. Let me's this knee that hurts the most?" Sure enough, that was the knee giving K an issue, so we have a referral to see an orthopedist to hopefully get that remedied. Since the appointment took longer than I expected, K has a pretty easy going teacher, and she never misses school, I decided I'd let her 'skip' the rest of the day. I know--shame on mom! We had a blast. It was one of my new year goals to spend more one on one time with the kids, and I haven't really done it. Tuesday was a great time, though. We went to the one euro store, and she helped me run errands. They were so much easier with her around. Note to self...hire personal assistant! We also went to pick up the mail, and this has to be the highlight of my week: (I'm kidding, but it's exciting news) The mailroom guy DOESN'T hate me. We went at a time the mailroom window wasn't open-which means you can't get packages if you have them. Naturally, I had a slip to pick up a package, so I was going to have to come back. As I was rounding the corner to leave, the mailroom guy saw me and said to his coworker, "Doesn't she have a box?" They actually went back and got it for me! He also made chit chat about a package that had been sent to the wrong place that he "found for me". What a guy, huh? He did his job just for me. He's being nice, so I'm not complaining!

Also while K and I were out, we were able to go by the train station and pick up train tickets to Paris for when my family comes to visit in a few weeks. They were so much cheaper at the station than online, it completely took me by surprise. I know I gave the ticket agent a shock when I squealed with delight! So, with train tickets booked, we of course had to book our hotel room. It was such a relief to get that taken care of, and good thing we didn't wait any longer. We needed two rooms and the hotels were filling up quickly! We managed to snag one that provides breakfast included in the price-a must for so many people. Plus it's not far from the Eiffel Tower, unlike the last time we went to Paris and stayed outside the city. I can't wait to eat some macarons see the beautiful sights again!

This Wednesday, like most Wednesdays with nice weather, PJ and I went to the farmers market downtown. We did our usual people watching and wandering around, but we also had a specific task in mind this time. I had to find a German post office so I could mail a package to the UK for a craft swap I did. The USPS wanted $64 to ship it. As I so pleasantly informed the clerk at the post office while kindly taking my box back, I could fly there and hand deliver it for less! Seriously, RyanAir flights are like $40! When I finally found the German post office, packed my DHL box, and said a silent prayer for a clerk who spoke English really well, I mailed my box for 9 Euro. Honestly, USPS... get with it. So after mailing our box, we decided to enjoy a currywurst lunch. Let me try and explain food carts here. They sell whatever food is their specialty, and usually have a few tables set up. More than likely those tables will be standing height, so you enjoy your food while standing. Since there are only about 6-8 tables, and loads more people, you end up sharing a table with a stranger. It's a perfect way to get to know new people-if you speak the same language as them. I shared with an older lady, we ate in silence, then she left. Then another lady came to ask if she could share. I said yes of course and continued to try and wrestle some food into my impatient two year old. He was way more interested in climbing in and out of his stroller and somehow cover himself in curry sauce. Good thing we both wore white...not! PJ was being his normal chatter bug self, and the lady sharing our table said, "He's so cute!" I wasn't expecting her to speak English, but it turned out she was from the base, too. We talked as we ate, then decided to grab a smoothie together. We ended up walking around the shops downtown for the rest of the afternoon. What a great happenstance that we would end up standing at the same table for lunch, bonding over bratwurst!

This week has been so eventful-my schedule looks like a rainbow of scribble with everything going on. But the one thing I did do for myself (sort of) was to join the PTO. I am now the head of the spirit wear committee. I am so excited to get to help out with Little J's school in a way that I really feel like I can make an impact. I may not be the most in-your-face person when it comes to sales, but I've got spirit, yes I do! I've already come up with some ideas, but I get to just spearhead the whole thing and have my own team, which is both exciting and really nerve-wracking at the same time!

All and all this has been a great week. I have so much to be thankful for in my life and I'm very lucky. By far one of the best decisions I've made recently is to count my blessings big and small, to let go of the negative and hold on to the positive. I'm in no way saying that I never have a day where I can't wait to break open the wine and I'd never try to say "this is how everyone should feel", but as for me and my crew, I highly encourage the power of positivity!

The Wiesbaden farmers market. They're held every Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

I can't get over how big they're getting!

Friends, I am soliciting your advice. In between travel adventures, what would you like to read about on this blog? Leave a comment below--your ideas are welcome! As always, I thank you for reading! 
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