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Friday, May 9, 2014

Five For Friday: May 9

Hello friends! I think I'm finally back in the blogging saddle! I wanted to share my five good things but not necessarily just from this week, since I've missed a few weeks!

{{Since I've resolved to get back on track, that means keeping up with social media as well. If you aren't already, make sure you're following OurLife on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Bloglovin. You can also follow my personal Pinterest page with the links above!}}

I know I've already expressed my excitement over the softball season starting, but it is now in full swing and I LOVE it. I love to watch and cheer for my children (just like every parent). I've told you how when I get in to something, I get all in. Well, at least one of my children is just like me in that respect. During cheer season K wanted cheer clothes and bows, she wanted to watch every cheer youtube video she could find, and she would not. stop. cheering. Now that softball has started, she's all in with that. She wants softball shirts to wear to school and wants to watch any videos/tutorials she can find. They both spend extra time on the field after practice is done for the evening. I had some softball ribbon in my stash and decided to make each girl on the team a ribbon for game days. When I first presented it to my two, they scoffed. They didn't want to be caught dead in a cheer ribbon. Excuse me, Dr. Jekyll! But, since the rest of the team loved them, they're all in. Tweens... I tell ya!
Their team has won every game so far-except for one random coach pitched game which they tied- and they are all seeming to enjoy it. I love watching a group of girls who don't know each other at the beginning of a season form bonds and friendships over time. They have all really improved as a team and individually, too.

I'm sorry if this qualifies for the TMI category, but this is life. We have semi-officially started potty training. I honestly do not remember doing this with the girls. Could this be a repressed memory. My brain is maybe trying to block out some traumatic experience I've had? What I do know is that training a boy is different from anything I may have done with the girls. The very first lesson was "tuck it down, dude!" Cleaning the floor every time seems to be fun for him to watch--not so much fun for mommy. The one part of this process that makes it easier is that he seems sort of motivated to not go in his diaper. Jelly beans are amazing motivators! "Mommy--go get my jelly beans ready." The confidence in this one is strong! Here's hoping this works out soon. Not having to buy diapers would be spectacular-especially since neither the commissary nor the PX has had his size in stock for about three weeks!

I have been getting back in to my crafting lately, and it feels darn good.  My little craft room is not in our main house, it's upstairs in our apartment, so sometimes it's hard to get up there and work. I did manage to get it reorganized and cleaned up in the past few weeks, so everything has a place and it doesn't make me feel like I need to clean every time I walk in now. I love that I'm able to go in, do whatever it is I've had the whim to work on, leave it if I need to and come back later. That's helpful since I'm pretty certain I have adult onset ADD. {Seriously, I burnt cookies and chicken in the past two weeks. I've also forgotten to go get the girls at school when I told them I would. Good thing we have an 'if you don't see me in this particular spot, get on the bus' rule.} Craft wise, I've been able to get a jump on my December Daily book-it's all decorated and ready to go, I've made things for my planner, I've made things for other people's planners that I plan to send as RAK's (random acts of kindness), I've made cards, a book for Little J's teacher, and random other things. I swear it helps center my soul when I can have a creative outlet like that. If that sounds weird or cheesy to you, I'll assume you don't craft. :)

I just received the email this morning containing the air tickets for my parents and youngest sister! They'll be here in mid June to visit us for about a month! I cannot express my excitement. I know the kids are just about to burst waiting for them. PJ has been a great little helper getting the apartment ready for them. We've gotten new bedding and towels and set up the kitchen. You know, things that keep us busy in the meantime while we countdown the weeks and days until they get here. We've also  tried to plan a trip and work out the logistics of how exactly we're going to transport 8 people around. Anyone in the Wiesbaden area want to lend us a mini van??

PJ and I went out one morning a few weeks ago and discovered a new to us walking path. It took us over some hills and through some beautiful fields. Plus I got to go past my very favorite tree. I don't know why, but it's so cute to me. It was an amazing walk-we ended up at the edge of the next town over before we turned around. I took my camera (with a constantly dead battery when I want it) and my phone and took pictures. Of course the pictures NEVER capture the beauty of real life. Here's a fun fact for you: the 3by5 part of our blog name comes from the John Mayer song 3x5. One of the lyrics being
"I didn't have a camera by my side this time. Hoping I would see the world through both my eyes." 
It also says no more 3x5's, but we'll just ignore that part. Anyhoo...nature is not really something I generally like to be a part of. Bugs and dirt are just not my thing. But I do appreciate its beauty, so going out to be a part of a new day beginning was pretty amazing. Also, since nature isn't my thing, I'm a little surprised that our attempt at backyard gardening seems to be working! We have some veggies sprouting in our little square foot garden. German vegetables seem to be the difference. They must all be used to little sunlight, I guess. We'll see where this goes, but so far so good! Just in time for my attempt at clean eating. I'm not saying it's going to work or I'll be able to stick to it. I love my carbs and especially love my sugar. But by golly, I'm going to try!

On the note of clean eating...Do you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share? Or any resources for keeping on track? Leave a link in the comments, if you would! 

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